Council Agendas & Packets
The regular meetings of the Manchester City Council are scheduled for the second & fourth Mondays of the month at 5:00pm.
Meetings are held at Council Chambers, 204 East Main Street.
The City of Manchester is leveraging the power of Internet to radically improve the governance process while saving time, taxpayer dollars and the environment. The new eGovernance initiative will replace the old and costly method of compiling, printing, binding and distributing paper agenda packets by hand. The remarkably powerful, easy-to-use solution will enable the City to maximize the effectiveness of their Council meetings with increased transparency, providing a basis for better and more open communication with the public, while dramatically increasing productivity and saving thousands of dollars annually.
The paperless meeting solution, called BoardDocs® LT, is a 100% Web-based service that includes many features from our industry-leading eAgenda solution. By making meeting agendas and supporting documents available on the Internet, the City of Manchester will be able distribute documents associated with City Council meetings more quickly and efficiently, at a dramatically reduced cost to the City.
Electronic distribution will not only save time and resources, it will also provide unprecedented public access via the City's web site to agenda items and other council-related information. This process will allow interested parties to review information prior to council meetings. All documents associated with the meeting are automatically archived and can be accessed by meeting date or by using the system's comprehensive search feature.
Additionally, BoardDocs® LT will increase the amount of time Council members have to review agenda information, enabling them to better prepare for meetings. Under the old paper system, the meeting packet could not be distributed until every document had been prepared, submitted and approved. Once all the documents were submitted, staff members would typically spend two days assembling the documents into packets before distributing them to the Council members. Through the MetaSearch feature, Council members will also have access to best practices from other cities that are using the system, allowing them to gain important knowledge about initiatives other cities have considered and implemented.
The new features can be accessed via the City's website by clicking on BoardDocs. For questions regarding the new initiatives, please contact the City Office at 563.927.3636.