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City of Manchester


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About Us

Welcome to the City of Manchester, Iowa!

We look forward to talking to you about how to grow your business or start your business here.  

A Prime Location for Customers and Workforce
Manchester is located geographically in the triangle of Dubuque, Waterloo and Cedar Rapids.  This prime location draws many customers and makes it easy for Manchester businesses to draw workforce from several surrounding towns. 

Partnerships for Business Success and Thriving Families

The city partners with Delaware County Economic Development, to make expansion, start up or relocation in Manchester positive for business, employees and their families. We also partner with the Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce to support existing businesses and young professionals in the community. 

Manchester prides itself as a safe and quiet community in which to live and raise a family. The city excels in recreation and educational amenities. From high quality tracks, athletic  fields, tennis courts and state of the art music and theater auditorium, including both public and private schools as well as post-secondary educational opportunities. The city and the schools work hard to create a high quality of life for our families. In addition, the city offers a large park system and a Parks and Recreation Department that offers extensive programming; amenities include a concrete skate park, 8' wide walk/bike trail, heated outdoor aquatic center and the largest Whitewater Park in northeast Iowa.

Vibrant Business Community

Several manufacturing and agribusiness companies have headquarters and plants in Manchester. The interstate intersection location provides opportunities for hospitality industries including several hotels and restaurants that do a thriving business.

Many downtown businesses have refreshed the look of their buildings giving the downtown area a new charm. Although businesses occupy most store fronts, some remain available for new businesses.

Development Sites Available
See Delaware County Economic Development for currently available sties in the area.

Coming Together to Grow